Thursday, February 21, 2008


stacie said...

This is a very compelling photograph. The light coming through the tunnel creates so much for this image. It draws your eye in , but sillouettes the figure which creates the intrigue. It illuminates the walls of the tunnel which shows you a graffiti marred wall and the water which adds to the dark feel of the image. The water helps define the figure and adds contrast and depth. The posture of the figure , looking down (not proudly holding his head up) also makes a statement. everything came together well in this photograph.

Anonymous said...

This image is difficult to categorize. It could be placed in the aesthetically evaluative category because on its simplest level it is a study of the human form in an urban landscape. It could be placed in the interpretive category if it is a fictional creation produced in the directorial mode that “offers a truth about the world.” It could also be ethically evaluative if the photographer is seeking to “praise or condemn aspects of society.” (Barrett) I would love to have an artist statement for this one! The narrative aspect of this image is its strongest quality. He is not facing towards or away from the light but is paused between the two. The lines of the poles through his head and neck are disturbing elements. The light at the end of the tunnel should provide hope that he will escape the dark but there are barriers out in the light that could keep him in the tunnel. Extremes in value enhance the narrative as does the simplicity of line and shape, and the lack of detail.